Thomas Clark MacKinnon
1971 B.A. Geology, University of California, Santa Barbara
1975 M.A. Geology, University of California, Santa Barbara
1980 Ph.D. Geology, University of Otago, New Zealand
Work experience
1976 Geologist: U.S. Geological Survey, Anchorage, Alaska
1976-1977 Geologist: Alaska Pipeline project, Fairbanks, Alaska
1981-2001 Geologist: Chevron, San Ramon, California: At Chevron: I worked as an Exploration and Development Geologist, including three years in Angola; worked many years as Coordinator of Chevron's Stratigraphic Schools which involved leading field trips in the U.S. and teaching courses on stratigraphy and related subjects in Chevron Ofices all over the world; served as the company's geologic expert on the Monterey Formation; and, in my latter years, worked on the regional geology of Kazakhstan, the Black Sea and Sakhalin Island, Russia.
2002, Fall Lecturer: Department of Geosciences, San Francisco State University
2001-2008 Indepentdent Consultant, worked mainly for Chevron on international exploration projects
Professional activities
1988-1989 Program Director: Northern California Geological Society
1993-1996 Associate Editor: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin
1989-2003 Field trip leader: 1989, Assoc. of Women Geologists, to Pt Reyes; 1990, American Assoc. of Petroleum Geol. National Convention, to Marin County; 1991, Assoc. of Energy Librarians Annual Convention, to Pt Reyes; 1996, American Association of Petroleum Geologists National Convention, San Diego, to Santa Barbara County; 1998 co-leader, Society for Sedimentary Geology, Pacific Section, to Mendocino coast; 2002, Society of Core Analysts, to Pt Lobos, Monterey, California; 2003, Northern California Geologic Society, to Pt Reyes.
2019-2021 President: Northern California Geological Society
Other Activities
2001-2004 Vice Chair: Planning Commission, City of Orinda
2006-2009 Chair: Traffic Safety Committee, City of Orinda
2020-present Board Member, Friends of Orinda Creeks
Selected Publications by Thomas Clark MacKinnon
MacKinnon, Thomas C., 2016, Are the contacts between the South Fork Mountain Schist, Valentine Spring, and Yolla Bolly units transitional or faulted in the Eastern Belt of the Franciscan Complex of California?: Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, 112th annual mtg., Abstracts with programs.
MacKinnon, Thomas C., 2015, "The geometry of underplated accreted “packets” in subduction zones; examples from the Eastern Belt of the Franciscan in California and the Torlesse Terrane in New Zealand": American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
MacKinnon, Thomas C., 1998. Structure and stratigraphy of Late Cretaceous and Paleogene rocks at Sea Ranch, near Gualala, California: in Elder, W.P., ed., Geology and Tectonics of the Gualala block, Northern California: Pacific section SEPM, Book 84, p. 121-136.
MacKinnon, Thomas C., 1989, Petroleum Geology of the Monterey Formation in the Santa Maria and Santa Barbara coastal and offshore areas: in MacKinnon, T.C., ed., Oil in the California Monterey Formation: 28th International Geological Congress, Field Trip Guidebook T311, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., p. 11-27.
MacKinnon, Thomas C., 1989, Origin of the Miocene Monterey Formation in California, in MacKinnon, T.C., ed., Oil in the California Monterey Formation: 28th International Geological Congress, Field Trip Guidebook T311, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., p. 1-10.
MacKinnon, Thomas C., 1989, editor, Oil in the California Monterey Formation: 28th International Geological Congress, Field Trip Guidebook T311, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 55p.
MacKinnon, Thomas C., 1983, Origin of the Torlesse terrane and coeval rocks, South Island, New Zealand: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 94, p. 967-985.
MacKinnon, Thomas C., 1980, Geology of Monotis-bearing Torlesse rocks near Arthur's Pass, South Island, New Zealand: New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, v. 23, p. 63-81.
MacKinnon, Thomas C., 1978, The Great Valley Sequence near Santa Barbara, California: in Howell, D.G., and McDougall, K.A., eds., Mesozoic Paleogeography of the Western United States; Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section, Los Angeles, p. 483-481.